Ooty Kotagiri Sightseeing in 4 hours
Sedan 1360
Travera 1520
Innova 1600
Tempo 2160
Madza 2600
Mini Bus 3100
- Base 4 hours calculated from office to office
- All parking and toll charges to be paid by customer
- Additional hours will be charged for Sedan: 100, Innova: 100, Travera: 100, Tempo: 150, Madza: 200
- Additional kms above 40 will be charged for Sedan: 14/km, Innova: 20/km, Travera: 18/km, Tempo: 24/km, Madza: 30/km
- AC will not work in hill areas and stopped / parked vehicle
- Charges applicable if there is change in actual plan.
Ooty Kotagiri Sightseeing in 6 hours
Sedan 1940
Travera 2180
Innova 2300
Tempo 3140
Madza 3800
Mini Bus 4200
- Base 6 hours calculated from office to office
- All parking and toll charges to be paid by customer
- Additional hours will be charged for Sedan: 100, Innova: 100, Travera: 100, Tempo: 150, Madza: 200
- Additional kms above 60 will be charged for Sedan: 14/km, Innova: 20/km, Travera: 18/km, Tempo: 24/km, Madza: 30/km
- AC will not work in hill areas and stopped / parked vehicle
- Charges applicable if there is change in actual plan.
Ooty Kotagiri Sightseeing in 8 hours
Sedan 2520
Travera 2840
Innova 3000
Tempo 4120
Madza 5000
Mini Bus 5700
- Base 8 hours calculated from office to office
- All parking and toll charges to be paid by customer
- Additional hours will be charged for Sedan: 100, Innova: 100, Travera: 100, Tempo: 150, Madza: 200
- Additional kms above 80 will be charged for Sedan: 14/km, Innova: 20/km, Travera: 18/km, Tempo: 24/km, Madza: 30/km
- AC will not work in hill areas and stopped / parked vehicle
- Charges applicable if there is change in actual plan.
Ooty Kotagiri Sightseeing in 10 hours
Sedan 3100
Travera 3500
Innova 3700
Tempo 5100
Madza 6200
Mini Bus 7200
- Base 10 hours calculated from office to office
- All parking and toll charges to be paid by customer
- Additional hours will be charged for Sedan: 100, Innova: 100, Travera: 100, Tempo: 150, Madza: 200
- Additional kms above 100 will be charged for Sedan: 14/km, Innova: 20/km, Travera: 18/km, Tempo: 24/km, Madza: 30/km
- AC will not work in hill areas and stopped / parked vehicle
- Charges applicable if there is change in actual plan.
Ooty Kotagiri Sightseeing in 12 hours
Sedan 3680
Travera 4160
Innova 4400
Tempo 6080
Madza 7400
Mini Bus 8700
- Base 12 hours calculated from office to office
- All parking and toll charges to be paid by customer
- Additional hours will be charged for Sedan: 100, Innova: 100, Travera: 100, Tempo: 150, Madza: 200
- Additional kms above 120 will be charged for Sedan: 14/km, Innova: 20/km, Travera: 18/km, Tempo: 24/km, Madza: 30/km
- AC will not work in hill areas and stopped / parked vehicle
- Charges applicable if there is change in actual plan.